
The First Annual Conference at the Hub for Bike Studies

Conference Co-Organizers: 

Andrew Bricker (Ghent University, Belgium) and Martin Zeilinger (Abertay University, Scotland)

Tuesday, 3 June to Thursday, 5 June 2025

Ghent, Belgium

The newly founded Hub for Bike Studies (a joint initiative of Ghent University and Abertay University) invites presenters to contribute to our inaugural annual conference. Join our community to take an active part in shaping an inclusive future of bike studies across and beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Conference Theme: Visions for Critical Bike Studies and its Future

Presentation formats:

  • 20-Minute Presentations: Research papers will be grouped in panels of three, with generous time for discussion. In the spirit of forming an inclusive community, there will be no concurrent panels.
  • Posters: Posters can present on-going research, share preliminary research questions, elicit feedback from peers in the bike studies community, etc.

Proceedings: Presenters will be invited to submit revised versions of their presentations for publication in double-blind peer-reviewed proceedings (publication format to be determined).

Program: The conference program will run the course of three days, and will include both academic and extracurricular activities, including keynote presentations, roundtable conversations, non-concurrent paper/poster presentations, discussion panels, sightseeing activities, and group rides. (Please note that conference attendees are expected to attend all three days of the conference.)

Day 1:

  • Paper/poster presentations
  • Keynote
  • Conference dinner

Day 2:

  • Discussion panels
  • Roundtable
  • Optional sightseeing activity / group ride
  • Conference dinner

Day 3:

  • Paper/poster presentations
  • Keynote
  • Town-hall discussion on the future of bike studies
  • Closing Event


Abstracts due: Friday, 29 November 2024 (decisions about accepted presentations and posters will be announced in early 2025). Please submit a 500-word/3,000-character abstract for your presentation (or poster) and a short bio (ca. 250 words/1500 characters) here: 


If you have any further questions or suggestions, please be in contact with the co-organizers of the conference, Andrew Bricker ( and Martin Zielinger (